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Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Monday, September 19, 2011

24 K. Gold Plated Kalsarpayoga Yantram

Product Description

24 K. Gold Plated Brass Colorful Yantra. Approximately Size: 3 1/4" x 3 1/4".

Yantras are usually used for counteracting the harmful effects of planets. Besides countering negative effects, Yantras also increase the planets' beneficial aspects in our lives. Yantras and mantras are connected together since each Yantra has a corresponding mantra. The yantras are also representative of different deities. According to Ayurveda, there is also a definite relationship between Vedic talisman and the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether.

By proper prayers and perfect recitation of specific mantras, the material elements can be invoked to move in the way desired by the worshiper.

Guru Sri Brahspati Gold Plated Yantra

Product Description

24 K. Gold Plated Brass Colorful Yantra. Approximately Size: 3 1/4" x 3 1/4".

Yantras are usually used for counteracting the harmful effects of planets. Besides countering negative effects, Yantras also increase the planets' beneficial aspects in our lives. Yantras and mantras are connected together since each Yantra has a corresponding mantra. The yantras are also representative of different deities. According to Ayurveda, there is also a definite relationship between Vedic talisman and the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether.

By proper prayers and perfect recitation of specific mantras, the material elements can be invoked to move in the way desired by the worshiper.

24 K Gold Plated Shree Gayatri Yantra Religious Pendant

Product Description

24 K. Gold Plated Brass Yantra Pendent. Contains one side Yantra image and other side Diety's image.
Approximately Size: Diameter 1 1/6"

Vajrayogini Yantra Inlay Pendant with Central The Ten Powerful Syllables of The Kalachakra Mantra -

Product Description

Dimensions: 1.2" Height
1.1" Width

This pendant shows the ten interlocking or stacked syllables of the Kalachakra mantra (Om Ham Ksha Ma La Va Ra Ya Sva Ha), commonly known as the 'all-powerful ten'. The interlocking body of this mystical monogram is composed of the seven syllables Ham Ksha Ma La Va Ra Ya written in Lantsa characters. Lantsa is an Indian Buddhist script, probably of late Pala origin although certain scholars date it as late as the seventeenth century. It is specifically used for mantra syllables and the titles of sacred texts. This stylized and beautifully ornate script was devised from the Sanskrit alphabet and used extensively in Nepali Buddhism. Above the broad horizontal bar which crowns these seven interlocking consonant syllables is a crescent moon, a sun disc (or dot), and a dissolving flame-tip which completes the ten stacked syllables. An eleventh syllable, the vowel syllable A - representing the element of space - is not depicted, but it merges with all of the consonant sounds as the musical drone of the tonic note gives life to the melodic structure of a musical composition.The entire symbolism of these stacked syllables is extremely complex, encapsulating meanings which relate to all the three aspects of the Kalachakra tantra - the external, internal, and alternative. The external aspect deals with cosmology, astronomy, and astrology; the internal aspect deals with the subtle energy systems of the individuals mind and body interrelationships; and the alternative aspect deals with the actual deity practice of Kalachakra. However the main symbolism of the 'all-powerful ten' relates to the cosmology of Mt. Meru and its surrounding universe according to the Kalachakra, and to the complex geometrical mandala palace of the deity Kalachakra.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chakra Banner - Purple

Product Description

This rayon batiked chakra banner is available with white, purple or turquoise backgrounds and is based on the design of the popular Chakra Wall Chart. It is the perfect banner to hang in any therapy or meditation room. The bodys energy centers (chakras) are represented in vibrant colors as Lotus flowers which is the traditional view. The hemmed top accommodates a removable dowel or silk cording (not included) for a striking wall display. (Size: 1 ft wide x 5 ft tall / washable) 100% rayon hand batiked in Bali.

Product Description

This rayon batiked chakra banner is available with white, purple or turquoise backgrounds and is based on the design of the popular Chakra Wall Chart. It is the perfect banner to hang in any therapy or meditation room. The bodys energy centers (chakras) are represented in vibrant colors as Lotus flowers which is the traditional view. The hemmed top accommodates a removable dowel or silk cording (not included) for a striking wall display. (Size: 1 ft wide x 5 ft tall / washable) 100% rayon hand batiked in Bali.

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Consciousness, God or Light Itself is What's Vibrating!

Product Description

Consciousness, God or Light Itself is What's Vibrating! by Baron Baucom explores and compares the highest spiritual systems from Kabbalah's Bnei Baruch to Tantra's Sri Vidya and Kashmir Shavism, to show you how to purify your body and your mind and reach a higher plane of existence. God, light, sound, and consciousness are all inseparable, claims Baucom, and once you detect one, you can easily reach the others, resulting in a new, more profound comprehension of how life, consciousness, and God work. Based on Baucom's 30 years of studying with spiritual masters all over the world, and including secrets that teachers have been sworn not to reveal, this provocative book shows how East meets West in order to showcase one basic system of divine understanding.

About the Author

Born in Kansas City, Kansas in 1953, Dr. Baucom has been a practicing Emergency room physician for 30 years. In 1979 he visited the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, Penn. and never looked back. Taking long breaks to have intimate discussions with real Tantric, Yogic and Kabbalah Masters. People who knew if you were dedicated to the subject would divulge their most 'prized' secrets and techniques. With this background along with study, contemplation and spiritual experience he was able to penetrate the very core of their secret doctrines.

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With Atlantis in sight, book 2

Product Description

Escaping from the burning world where the Hell is unleashed, Mark Steel and his family are blown across the Atlantic. Throughout their journey they are rescuing few other people and also run into their lost daughter Enya who is found floating on the ice floe. This unexpected reunion only confirms his believe their survival has a divine purpose. With the boat sinking he leads his clan to the Promised Land, landing at the gates of Atlantis. But the test of their courage is not over yet. Also surviving, a group of rouge soldiers attacks their settlement and pushed to the corner they win the fight, but it is Mark who must make the final sacrifice, he is the chosen Gate Keeper.

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DestinÈe et GuÈrison (French Edition)

Product Description

Toute destinÈe est insÈparable de l'immense DestinÈe de l'Univers. L'art de guÈrir, c'est comprendre cette vÈritÈ. De mÍme que les morts ne sont pas morts, toute vie est liÈe la guÈrison. Chacun de nous peut et doit Ítre un thÈrapeute, pour lui-mÍme et pour les autres.

From Om to Orgasm: The Tantra Primer for Living in Bliss

Product Description

At last! A practicum on Tantra for singles and couples. Everyone wants to know how to become a better lover! Although this book is written in easy to understand language-the language of the heart-- it is the modern, reference book on tantra-- from meditation to "quick tantra tips", from orgasm and prolonged massage to 5 minute exercises. Illustrations,diagrams, charts and step by step instructions essential for those who:want to experience spiritual sex are curious about tantra want more intimacy want to attract the right partner want to enhance or improve their relationship with their partner find other books on tantra either too academic or too raunchy want to try something new that reflects their conscious interests have very busy schedules want to experience this work in private and at their own pace Testimonials:"Outstanding-- and has full potential to become a classic reference work!"...David Fabricius, Internationally Renowned Business Speaker "The authors, drawing from classic and modern sources, personal experience, and a variety of associations by non-tantric traditions, present a much wider view of Tantra than is normally found in books directed towards Westerners. There are a lot of great concepts brought out in this book that are not covered by other popular books."...L.B. reviewer "The book gives us a flawless, enlightened and uninhibited path to divine sexual expression and practices. It teaches the magic of improving communication between partners, which helps in healing the mind, body and soul." ...Sidhartha Pani, MD "Certainly this book is more than theory. It tells of the integration of the body and soul, which is the heart of this subject -- relating our everyday experiences, emotions, and instincts to the divine creativity within."... Bradley Rockow, Vedic Astrologer

About the Author

Chandi Devi's spiritual quest of a lifetime came to an end the moment she was introduced to her guru and the meditation path. The meditation practices of the siddhas, or enlightened ones, eventually led her to further delve into the study of tantra yoga.Chandi completed a tantra teacher's training course and created two online businesses: http://www.theworldoftantra.com and http://www.eastwestsensualemporium.com. She is internationally known for "The World of Tantra" DVD's on tantra yoga exercises and shakti-filled music CD's. Chandi Devi has appeared on radio interviews such as "Spiritual Awakening Radio" and is a co-founder and editor-in-chief of KarmaCaffe, a new interactive spiritual network that focuses on love, wealth, and health for a meaningful lifestyle. She is also the co-host of radio show, "The KarmaCaffe Spiritual Hour".J. Ram Sivananda, MS, BS, has an extensive background inpsychology, martial arts, ancient philosophies and other traditions. Heexperienced a breakthrough in his spiritual practice over thirty years agoafter a near death experience. He has successfully managed to weave togetherthe tantric traditions of Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Shamanism, whiledeveloping and inventing advanced computer technology systems. Working as ascientist and engineer for many years, he trusts and believes in themetaphysical world which is much more elusive, but no less true and real. The couple can be contacted at http://karmacaffe.com or chandi@karmacaffe.com

La Riqueza Oculta (Spanish Edition)

Product Description

Material que llevó 15 años de estudio. Interiorizaciones por Organizaciones Iniciáticas varias, alquimia, religión, teosofía, teología. Comunes denominadores que INEVITABLEMENTE llevan al ÉXITO. Viaje al Interior misterioso del Ser Humano que conduce a la Luz Verdadera.

About the Author

Alvaro Pastorini Mahler nacio el 1 de julio de 1973 en la ciudad de Paysandu, Uruguay. A la edad de cinco años tuvo su primer experiencia mistica en la localidad de Young (sesenta kilometros al sur de Paysandu), cuando estando en presencia de su madre, divisa una entidad paranormal (bajo la forma de una mujer anciana). Este tipo de situaciones se irAn dando a lo largo de su infancia y adolescencia. A los dieciocho años pasa a vivir en Montevideo, donde cursa estudios de electronica, obteniendo el titulo de Tecnico Superior en Electronica en una Universidad privada. Paralelamente comienza a incursionar en diversas artes y disciplinas filosoficas, misticas y metafisicas. En primer instancia toma clases de Aikido y Digitopuntura, relacionAndose con grupos de estudio de Budismo Zen. Posteriormente toma contacto con diferentes centros misticos donde comienza en 1992 a investigar sobre la Kabbalah. A partir de alli, la investigacion se profundiza, analizando y comparando distintas corrientes esotericas, como metafisica, control mental, Psicotronica (debido a sus conocimientos en electronica) y Yoga. En 1995 retorna a Paysandu y se relaciona con filosofias Gnosticas, Rosacruces y Masonicas, y comienza a interesarse en Teologia, Teosofia y Psicologia. Las ultimas investigaciones llevadas adelante, se refieren a fenomenos paranormales y avistamientos ocurridos en la cercania de Young. Este estudio se lleva adelante junto a personas que han sido testigos de dichos fenomenos en esta localidad, asi como en Cordoba (Argentina) y en La Aurora (Paysandu). Estas zonas corresponden a centros energeticos especiales, donde son comunes estos fenomenos. En la actualidad, el autor no pertenece a ningun grupo o secta, buscando el camino interior. Cursa un Profesorado en Filosofia y continua manteniendo experiencias misticas peronales.

Deconstructing Derrida: Tasks for the New Humanities


'...Trifonas and Peters are to be commended for putting together a vital collection that speaks directly to the crisis of the modern university in general and to the future of the humanities in particular. Deconstructing Derrida should be requried reading for all academics'. - Kevin A. Aho - The European Legacy

Product Description

Responding to Jacques Derrida's vision for what a "new" humanities should strive toward, Peter Trifonas and Michael Peters gather together in a single volume original essays by major scholars in the humanities today. Using Derrida's seven programmatic theses as a springboard, the contributors aim to reimagine, as Derrida did, the tasks for the new humanities in such areas as history of literature, history of democracy, history of profession, idea of sovereignty, and history of man.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Karunamayi: A Biography

Editorial Reviews

Sri Karunamayi s biography provides rare glimpses into several key times in her life, including her childhood and her time in the sacred Penusila Forest. A number of devotees experiences have been included in the volume as well. Spiritual traditions from around the world emphasize the importance of reading the life stories of great saints and incarnations. Simply to read such holy life stories is like taking a dip in the all-purifying river Ganga. Reading about the sacred, tender and touching events of Amma's life carries us to a different realm--an enchanting realm of purity, noble selflessness, and absolute divinity. From the Back Cover: "Sri Karunamayi is a modern Indian miracle, a human who lives divinely, a woman whose words and actions embody the blessing power of the Mother of the Universe. This enlightening book introduces one of hte great saints of our time, and transports us into the living presence of limitless spirit." --Linda Johnsen, Author, "Daughters of the Goddess: The Women Saints of India" From this Book: "On one Sankranti, varieties of food had been made to offer to God. Meanwhile, Sri Vijayeswari Devi [Sri Karunamayi] realized that a few poor harijans who had come had eaten no food for the past two days. Therefore, she carried the food which was in a big vessel, ready for worship, and distributed it among those people. Then she addressed her grandmother and said, 'Grandma, today you have done a very good thing. This is how the food so nicely prepared by you has been accepted by the Lord.'"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sacred Sanskrit Words: For Yoga, Chant, and Meditation



Product Description

"A must-have for anyone who is new and serious about exporing the subject further. Also recommended for advanced practitioners who may want to 'brush-up' on their Sanskrit." -- Yoga Magazine UK
"This slim volume is a lot more than its title lets on." -- The Asian Reporter
"...A joy to read: it has accuracy in its translations, beauty in its presentation, and conveys the spiritual richness of the yogic tradition. It will definitely enrich the life of many yoga teachers and students." -- Ascent Magazine
Joseph Campbell called Sanskrit “the great spiritual language of the world.” Designed by ancient Indian holy men to express the states of enlightened consciousness through syllabic sounds, Sanskrit is widely used in the West during yoga practice to channel spiritual pathways and to discuss important meditative and philosophical concepts. This book introduces 180 Sanskrit words (including chakra, karma, om, namaste, veda, nirvana) with Devanagari scripts, pronunciations, chants and brief cultural/historic explanations. A practical reference that makes an excellent gift book for any student of yoga, meditation or Eastern religion.
Leza Lowitz is a much-published writer and director of Sun and Moon Yoga Studio in Tokyo.
Reema Datta grew up in India and teaches Ashtanga yoga and Ayurvedic cooking in San Francisco.

About the Author

Leza Lowitz is an award-winning writer and translator, and Director of Sun and Moon Yoga Studio in Tokyo. Reema Datta grew up in India and teaches Ashtanga yoga, chant, Sanskrit prayers, and ayurvedic cooking.

Vedic Symbols

Editorial Reviews

This book is a compilation of articles written by the Author. These articles explain the meaning of Om and Swastik, benifits of Shankh, significance of Kalash and Deepak, Yantras and the foundation emblems of Indian culture.

Myth of Invariance: The Origin of the Gods, Mathematics and Music from the RG Veda to Plato

McClain begins with the interesting thesis: for "ancient" civilizations music was a science through which the intersection between this world and the divine could be expressed and understood. The invariability (or permanence) of music standing in sharp contrast to the impermanence of the world.
In this context music is properly understood as an expression of and the motive for mathematical study. The "key" to unlocking this science comes from a study of the mathematical relationships between various musical notes.
McClain analyzes the Rg Veda, Babylonian, Greek (Plato), and New Testatment (Revelations) using this key, along with ancient definitions of numbers as "male", "female". The point here being that this "Pythagorean" analysis was fairly common and underlies much of literature of these and other cultures.
While McClain's analysis alone is worth at least a "4", I have given this book a lower grade.
The analysis is very detailed and heavily dependent on a knowledge of music, scales, etc. I found it difficult to follow in many parts.
The book's intended audience seems not to be the general public (like me) but rather a more learned audience. My guess is that this work either is his Ph D thesis or was based on it.
It's a pity that the work is not more accessible.
For those with an appropriate background, the book will yield a great deal more than I was able to wring from it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Deeper Dimension of Yoga: Theory and Practice

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Draftsmen, Interior Designer, Planner, Architect, Database Operator, Helpdesk Operator, Technicians, Lectures, Reiki Experts, Vastushastra Expert, Vastushastra Consultant, Astrologer, Tarot Card Reader, Gem Therapist, Vacancies, Career, Dowsing, Love, Health, Career, Travel, Money, Family, Investments, Lost, Iteams, Pendulum, Art, Spiritual, Medical, Training, Courses, Traditional, Institute, Database, Foundation, Foundation, Research, Practitioners, Therory, Techniques, Remedies, Certified, Reiki, Profession, Dowsing, Techniques, Landscape, Design, Interior, Furniture, Kitchen, Colour, Materials, Exteriors, Plants, Washing, Electrical, Machinery, Finished, Products, Planning, Designing, City, Environment, Inauspicious, Diseases, Aggression, Fear, Gravitational, Energy, Cosmic, Illness, Slope, Measurements, Redevelopment, Remaking, SRA, Developers, Builders, Architect, Restructuring, Invitation, Global, Shanghai, Singapore, Honkong, Orientation, Universal, Training, Treatments, Attunement, Application, Levels, Methods, Process, Reiki, Energy, Life, Aura, Chakra, Spiritual, Emotional, Intellectual, Degree, Distance, Time, Training, Courses, Health, Consultation, Services, Analyses, Finances, Architectural, Spiritual, Mantra, Power, Chanting, Brahma, Dhanwantari, Durga, Ganesh, Hanuman, Kali, Kuber, Lakshmi, Maha, Mrityunjaya, Saraswati, Sound, Waves, Puja, Murti, Japa, Dr.Raviraj M.Ahirrao, Manjushree Raviraj Ahirrao, Raviraj Vastu Spiritual Services Ltd, asia, asian, india, indian, mumbai, maharashtra, industrial, industries, thane, pune, nashik, aurangabad, ratnagiri, nagpur, ahmednagar, akola, amravati, chandrapur, dhule, jalgaon, raigad, sangli, satara, belgaum, kolhapur, belgaonShree Gayatri Yantra, Ganesh Yantra, Vashikaran Yantra, Rog Nivaran Yantra, Kalsarpa Yantra, Shree Saraswati Yantra, Vahan durghatna nivarak Yantra, Ketu Yantra, Shani Yantra, Shukra Yantra, Guru Yantra, Mangal Yantra, Chandra Yantra, Navgrah Yantra, Annapurna Yantra, Sarva Karya Sidhi Yantra, Meruprushtha Shree Yantra, Shree Yantra, Vastudosh Nashak and Vyapar Indrayani Yantra, Kuber Murti, Shree Kuber Yantra, Shubhlaxmi Yantra, Mahalaxmi Yantra, Shree Laxmi Ganesh Yantra, Kanakdhara Yantra, Shree Sukta Yantra, Hanuman Yantra, Bhoot-Pret Badha Nivaran Yantra, Shree Durgabeesa Yantra, Dattatray Yantra, Ramraksha Yantra, Mahasudarshan Yantra, Vastu dik-dosha-nashak yantra, Matsya Yantra, Yantramantra, Dowsing, Vastu Shastra Consultant, Vastu Shastra, Vastu, Reiki, Dowsing, Vastu Pyramid, Vastu Yantra, Vastu Classes, Mumbai,Vastu Shastra, Vastu Shastra Consultant, Vastu, Reiki, Vastushastra, Yantra, Pyramids, Feng Shui, Vastu Shastra Education, Vastu Shastra Research Foundation, Spritual Services, Vastu Shastra Course, Mumbai, India Indiarudraksha,rudraksh,astrology,astroproducts,astrological,remedy,remedies,astroremedies,indian astrology,astro,sri yantra from India,shriyantra,locket,pendant,shree,mandala,mandalas,gayatri mantra,shri yantras,energized 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Yantra,medicine,healing,shiva,ganesha,krishna,mantra,natural,nepal,nepal rudrakshaSri Yantra geometry researchGuru yantra strengthens a weak Jupiter in the horoscope. Rudraksha Ratna offers Guru yantras in silver and gold. The Siddh guru yantras bestows prosperity and power

From Booklist

Feuerstein is a respected scholar as well as a longtime yoga practioner and author of numerous books on the topic. His latest is a comprehensive guide to the history and current practices of yoga. Feuerstein has an incredible breadth of knowledge on the subject of yoga, and he masterfully synthesizes material from both well-known and esoteric yogic texts in explaining numerous paths of yoga. Ultimately, his thoughtful reflections on various yogic and Buddhist practices help the reader understand the spiritual context of yoga practice and its relevance to twenty-first-century life. Jane Tuma
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved


"George Feuerstein ably demonstrates the depth and profundity of Yoga as a spiritual discipline."— Spirituality & Health

"His writing is lucid and accessible, without sacrificing any of the scholarly substance earned through three decades of intensive study, practice, research, and writing."— Yoga Journal

Creating Prosperity Through the Power of the Vedas : Achieve Success Through Indian Feng Shui

Product Description

A new book on Vastu from the authors of Altars of Power and Grace – nominated for nine awards including Spirituality Book of the Year (USA Book News) and Self-Help Book of the Year(Coalition of Visionary Resources-COVR) - The Way of Vastu is a powerful guide to attracting balance and abundance. Expanding on the wisdom presented in Altars, this exquisite new offering includes a wealth of practical suggestions for bringing harmony into your home, your office and your life. Vastu is more powerful than Feng Shui in harnessing nature’s beneficial energies and correcting any imbalance that blocks the flow of abundance. When you live and work in environments properly aligned with the forces of nature, the entire universe comes rushing to your aid.

About the Author

Robin Mastro M.A., an environmental designer, focuses on instructing people worldwide how to eliminate stress in homes and offices. Robin is dedicated to adapting the wisdom of ancient systems to enhance the quality of modern life. She is also the creator of AltarWear™, a jewelry and clothing line based on Vedic teachings. Michael Mastro, award-winning architect and president of Global Construction, is one of the leading Western experts on the art and science of Vastu Shastra. In the 1970’s Michael designed spiritual centers in India, Europe, and the United States. His company built the first Microsoft office building, with the orientation and placement designed according to Vastu Shastra, as well as several office buildings for Boeing. Robin and Michael have taught yoga, meditation, and other spiritual awareness techniques as part of the Art of Living Foundation for over ten years. They live on a lake in the Pacific Northwest.
The Mastros are in high demand as consultants, teachers and speakers. As co-owners of Vastu Creations, they implement principles of Vastu Shastra to bring balance and abundance to individuals, homes businesses, and communities worldwide. Vastu Creations trains and certifies consultants in the sacred Vedic science of Vastu Shastra.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sterling Commerce to Acquire Yantra Corporation

Product Description

This IDC event flash analyzes the announcement that Sterling Commerce, a multi-enterprise collaboration specialist, is to purchase Yantra Corporation, a U.S.-based provider of supply chain fulfillment solutions. IDC expects this move to be advantageous for both companies and their clients. The product offerings technologically and functionally complement each other very well and an integrated solution will establish a serious foundation for packaged composite applications (PCAs). Clients may expect a vital aggregation of existing and new services automating cross-functional supply chain processes, providing a state-of-the-art platform for inter-enterprise collaboration.


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Card, Raviraj, Manjushree, Ahirrao, Ph.D, R&D, Centers, Classes, Training, Corporate, Pharmaceutical, Textiles, Paper, Engineer, Chemical, Cement, Steel, Sez, Automobile, Machinery, Infrastructure, Roads, Aviation, Buildings, Master, Aroma, Naturo, Theropist, Healing, Vasturatna, Rashtriya, Sanman, Bhaskar, Shree, Planning, Designing, Spiritual, Vastushastra, Research, Doctorate, Consultant, Aroma, Pathologist, Naturopath, Training, Courses, Health, Consultation, Services, Analyses, Finances, Architectural, Membership, Franchisee, Modern, Architecture, Lifestyle, Builders, Developers, Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Rounded, Shapes, Marketing Manager, Executive, Event Organizer, Salesman, Manager Accounts, Finance, Draftsmen, Interior Designer, Planner, Architect, Database Operator, Helpdesk Operator, Technicians, Lectures, Reiki Experts, Vastushastra Expert, Vastushastra Consultant, Astrologer, Tarot Card Reader, Gem Therapist, Vacancies, Career, Dowsing, Love, Health, Career, Travel, Money, Family, Investments, Lost, Iteams, Pendulum, Art, Spiritual, Medical, Training, Courses, Traditional, Institute, Database, Foundation, Foundation, Research, Practitioners, Therory, Techniques, Remedies, Certified, Reiki, Profession, Dowsing, Techniques, Landscape, Design, Interior, Furniture, Kitchen, Colour, Materials, Exteriors, Plants, Washing, Electrical, Machinery, Finished, Products, Planning, Designing, City, Environment, Inauspicious, Diseases, Aggression, Fear, Gravitational, Energy, Cosmic, Illness, Slope, Measurements, Redevelopment, Remaking, SRA, Developers, Builders, Architect, Restructuring, Invitation, Global, Shanghai, Singapore, Honkong, Orientation, Universal, Training, Treatments, Attunement, Application, Levels, Methods, Process, Reiki, Energy, Life, Aura, Chakra, Spiritual, Emotional, Intellectual, Degree, Distance, Time, Training, Courses, Health, Consultation, Services, Analyses, Finances, Architectural, Spiritual, Mantra, Power, Chanting, Brahma, Dhanwantari, Durga, Ganesh, Hanuman, Kali, Kuber, Lakshmi, Maha, Mrityunjaya, Saraswati, Sound, Waves, Puja, Murti, Japa, Dr.Raviraj M.Ahirrao, Manjushree Raviraj Ahirrao, Raviraj Vastu Spiritual Services Ltd, asia, asian, india, indian, mumbai, maharashtra, industrial, industries, thane, pune, nashik, aurangabad, ratnagiri, nagpur, ahmednagar, akola, amravati, chandrapur, dhule, jalgaon, raigad, sangli, satara, belgaum, kolhapur, belgaonShree Gayatri Yantra, Ganesh Yantra, Vashikaran Yantra, Rog Nivaran Yantra, Kalsarpa Yantra, Shree Saraswati Yantra, Vahan durghatna nivarak Yantra, Ketu Yantra, Shani Yantra, Shukra Yantra, Guru Yantra, Mangal Yantra, Chandra Yantra, Navgrah Yantra, Annapurna Yantra, Sarva Karya Sidhi Yantra, Meruprushtha Shree Yantra, Shree Yantra, Vastudosh Nashak and Vyapar Indrayani Yantra, Kuber Murti, Shree Kuber Yantra, Shubhlaxmi Yantra, Mahalaxmi Yantra, Shree Laxmi Ganesh Yantra, Kanakdhara Yantra, Shree Sukta Yantra, Hanuman Yantra, Bhoot-Pret Badha Nivaran 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Product Features

  • AWARDED AMAZON TOP HOLIDAY SELLER 2010!!!The Swedish Wellness Sensation now in the US. Use it to relax, feel wellness and improve your health!
  • Many possible health and therapeutic benefits: Stress Relief, Relax, renew, recharge, Promotes Deep Sleep, Alleviates Back & Neck Pain, weight loss, Endorphin Energy boost.
  • Acupressure mat was appointed on The Dr. Oz show as one of the top weights loss "must have items" It drops your cortisol levels and reduce your belly fat!
  • The PVC plastic nails gently touches your body's acupressure points and endorphins are released whereupon you experience a gently warming, soothing sensation in your body and mind.
  • Decreased muscle tension, improved digestion, increased metabolism and improved cellular circulation and hence used as skin therapy has been reported.

Important Information

Safety Information
Product to be used at your own risk. Not to be used by persons with a heart condition, high blood pressure, pregnant women or persons known to have sensitive skin. Please consult your physician if you are unsure how you will react or feel discomfort after usage. It is normal to have your skin turn red after use of the mat. Roll up the mat inside out when not being used to avoid accidents.

Lie down on your back for 20 - 40 mins per day. As you get used to the sensation you can stand on your mat, lie on your stomach, or roll it up to use for your neck's pressure points.

Product Description

The Himalaya Acupressure Mat is the latest Swedish Wellness sensation to now hit the US market. With its 8,820 PVC plastic nails that gently touch your skin and your bodys thousands of pressure points per Chinese Traditional Medicine you will experience a form of unique Self Treatment. Lie down on your back for 10 mins for a quick endorphin energy boost, or 20 mins or more for a deeper relaxed session. 9 out of 10 users in the Swedish market has reported positive results and would recommend it to a friend.