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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Feng Shui Tips - Practical Tips, Inside & Out

Any certified Feng Shui consultant or practitioner can give out Feng Shui tips. There are many decorating tips and ideas found in books or online if hiring a practitioner is not possible. The best Feng Shui tip I could give you as you go through this website, is to be open minded when it comes to Feng Shui and the possibilities available. Tips, cures, adjustments and enhancements are ways of improving the environment and creating harmony in a home or office. Tips using the Feng Shui philosophy do not have to elaborate or expensive. Every tip used in Feng Shui uses one or more of the following: colors, elements, sound, scent, and movement. An example of tools would be crystals or Feng Shui mirrors. Millions of people all over the world to enhance relationships attract money and good health use the ideas and tips practiced in Feng Shui. Throughout this Feng Shui website, there are free tips for you to use and experiment with in your home and business. Every room can benefit from these tips. Kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, entrances, even gardens can "feel" better and become more supportive when the principles of Feng Shui are applied.
 Feng Shui file cabinetOne of the first tips that pertain to every home and business is to clear the clutter from the space. Space clearing and cleaning clutter is a tip that allows new energy to come into the space. A file cabinet that is full of old outdated files does not leave room for new business to come in. Another tip through Feng Shui is to clear the closets that are jammed with unworn clothing. If you are searching for a partner, make room for them in the bedroom. Take out the stuff from an old boyfriend. You get the idea. In Feng Shui, another tip is to allow energy to move freely and at a balanced pace is what makes the room feel better. We feel the change in our bodies. Take a tip from Feng Shui and let go of the old so new can come in. Let the energy of wealth, partnership and health flow into your life.

It is important whenever using any Feng Shui enhancements or tips, that you choose the most subtle and suitable items to fit into the individual environment, whether it is in a house or business. After all any tips using Feng Shui is about improving all aspects and areas in our lives and environment in order to create a world that is more in balance.

“Life is full and overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty out the old to make room for the new to enter.”   - Eileen Caddy   Footprints on the Path

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