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Friday, November 11, 2011

Golden Feng shui tip for choosing a right type of art, decorations, paintings, statues......for your home

Choose only artistic pieces which project something you want to achieve or dream about. Surround yourself with strong images of your goals and allow them to quietly direct your subconscious mind.

Feng shui is all about good, first impression, so choose images which portray life, abundance, health, happiness, luck…… Avoid negative images of death, war, natural disaster, aggressive or sneaky animals…..

Avoid using decorative items from different cultures without knowing their exact meaning, use and proper placement. If you display an incorrect item in the place that signifies your wealth, career and health you can create serious problems in those areas.

Never use anything dead as a decoration. Animals, insects, antlers…. bring lifeless, dead energy into your home and signifies decay and stop of life. Very bad feng shui.

Feng shui living room colors

Good feng shui colors to use in the living room are warm earth tone colors such as yellow or brown. They make everybody feel comfortable and welcomed. Use slate green color to support education and knowledge for your family members.

Add decorative pieces in other colors to emphasize goals of the rest of the family members as well. For instance, use purple for wealth, black for successful career, yellow and green for good health. Red and pink to attract more love.

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