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Friday, November 11, 2011

Feng Shui Tips

 When you apply feng shui living room and house tips, you empower each family member to achieve greater success and happiness. You also create the best atmosphere for your children to grow up, as the rest of their lives will be greatly influenced by their experience in your home.

Main purpose of the living room tends to be relaxation, reception of guests and time spent together as a family.

Make sure your living room feels comfortable to your family members as well as to your guests. Furniture, decorations and colors of your living room tell a lot about you and your family. Type and layout of your furniture say a lot about your personality… Are you laid back, happy, informal? Or more traditional, old fashioned and very organized?

To keep negative chi away keep your house clean, open windows every day and let natural light in.

Your living room chi reflects relationships you have with your family members and guests. Therefore, it’s very important to create harmonious, comfortable and happy atmosphere, so you can improve those relationships as well.

Most important feng shui living room principles are:

1. Create more Yin atmosphere if you want to bring more comfort, reduce arguments and tension at home. Use large cushy sofa, long rich curtains, soft natural materials and carpets…..in any combination of deep green, lighter brown and golden colors. Try to buy only furniture and sofa sets with nicely flowing round corners. Decorate with curvy items and round shapes. Bring in beautiful plants with large round shaped leaves, as according to feng shui, soil chi will help to calm fire chi in the room.

In feng shui, your windows represents your "eyes". They let you see the future. Therefore keep your windows clean and beautiful. Take advantage of all sorts of window coverings, such as wood blinds or shutters, soft shades or romantic valances. They will add soft shapes, natural materials and colors that enhance positive chi and make your family members and guests relax and enjoy time spent together.

There are suitable window treatments like custom pleated shades that helps create the ambiance that you want the room to project to your guests.

Avoid bright colors, especially red as it adds more argumentative chi as well. Use pieces of decorative fabric or plant to cover all pointy furniture or protruding wall corners to eliminate dangerous, sharp chi. Or, you can hang faceted crystal on 9” or 9 cm red ribbon in front of sharp wall corner. Don’t forget to remove all spiky-leafed plants. Uff, it already feels better here……

2. Don’t contaminate your living room with arguments.

Whenever you have a family argument, disagreement, feel frustrated, jealous, worried, depressed…you fill your home environment with this negative chi. If this happens regularly, negative chi accumulates and has more power over you. It keeps you in your unhappy emotions and negatively influences the rest of family members as well.

It has a very strong effect especially on small children because they pick up energies – good or bad very easily. If possible, discuss your sensitive issues outside. If you do have an argument in your home, clear out the chi as soon as you can. Open the windows and burn Sage incense or dried herb to clear the negativity.

You can also sprinkle sea salt on the floor to absorb negative chi and vacuum it and throw it out next morning. To keep negative chi away keep your house clean, open windows every day and let natural light in.

3. Best feng shui living room furniture layout

Create comfortable and friendly atmosphere by properly placing your furniture. Try to place seating furniture with its back to the wall and with the clear view of the main door. This lay out makes everybody feel safe and comfortable. Don’t block the view of your door with piece of heavy furniture or other items.

Arrange your furniture to allow chi flow around freely and easily. Try to visualize the flow of chi from your front door into and around your living room, and remove any obstacles.

Nice preferable round table further encourages communication and understanding as it enhances smooth flow of chi.

4. Fireplace and Living Room feng shui

Fireplace in your living room helps to create feeling of warmth and comfort but can also draw valuable chi out through the chimney. To prevent that, you can hang nice round mirror on your fireplace, which will reflect chi back into your room.

You can place plants around your fireplace to lower the heat and energy that come out. Soil in this case represented by plant stabilizes fire and heat. However, avoid any plants with wooden part as wood feeds the fire and you would create even more unwanted heat and energy.

5. Feng shui tips for antiques and collectibles

Ideally, you should know predecessor chi of any antique piece before you bring it into your home. Previously owned items can be full of accumulated, bad chi from its past owners. Many times powerful negative energy radiates out for years and if kept close to you and your family, it can cause all types of difficult problems, illness or bad luck. If you have to have one, make sure you perform feng shui energy test before any purchase.

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