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Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Important Information

Safety Information
Regular usage of the Spike Mat may help with relaxation and pain relief; however does not provide medical cure to diseases. Experience of using the Spike Mat is very individual. Always consult your physician before use and at the slightest uncertainty. Always use the Spike Mat with caution, lie down for a few minutes at a time and see what feels best for you. Children cannot use the Spike Mat without adult supervision. The Spike Mat must be covered by a cloth to protect children's sensitive skin. Do not use the Spike Mat if: You have open wounds, infected or not, acne wounds or scars that have not yet healed / You have any form of heart disease / You have low blood pressure - using the Spike mat can lower blood pressure further, which can lead to fainting when you stand up / You are pregnant / You have coagulation problems (haemophilia) / You are undergoing treatment with anticoagulants such as Waran, Klexan or Heparin, since there is a large risk of subcutaneous bleeding and bruises / You have allergic back eczema or general psoriasis / You have skin damage. People with whiplash injuries can become dizzy and have pain in the neck at the beginning of the treatment. Lie on the Spike Mat for 5-10 minutes every other day and gradually increase use of the mat as the dizziness / pain decrease. Those who suffer from fibromyalgia should initially lie on the mat for a short time, about 5-10 minutes, and use a fairly thick cloth. Gradually increase the time on the mat and preferably use a thinner cloth as the body becomes accustomed to the pain with time.

Customer Testimonials I tried the mat when I had been recommended it for my whiplash injury. I often get stiff in my neck, have headaches and so on, and I have also found it very difficult to fall asleep in the evenings. I bought one and tried it. Imagine my surprise! Initially it just hurt, but after a while the endorphins came and I felt completely calm, the pain disappeared and I slept like a log! I am a masseuse and several of my customers who have tried it think it is wonderful. Ullis Hälsoverkstad Massage, diet and training guidance After a couple of minutes on the bed of nails, the pain disappears and I experience a light sense of euphoria. Thanks to the effective pain relief and the increased circulation, my aches become much less and my back is more supple. Chleo Maria Dagerberg at Face, Body and Mind: kinesiology, aesthetic acupuncture, face zone therapy, massage, Aquadetox cleansing footbaths

Spikes: 7,668 (number of round circles: 284; number of spikes on one circle: 27)

Regular usage of the Spike Mat may provide many positive effects towards your well-being. Here are easy-to follow steps on how to use the Spike Mat: / Place the Spike Mat on a bed or a soft surface. For stronger effect, place the Spike at on a hard surface (floor, etc.) / Put a cloth between yourself and the Spike Mat. You can adjust the thickness of the cloth according to your own pain levels. When you get used to the feeling, you can start using the Spike Mat without a protective layer on it / Put a rolled up towel or a pillow underneath the Spike Mat to support your neck / Distribute your weight evenly from lower back to shoulders - lie down slowly and carefully. If? desired, support part of your weight on your hands and elbows temporarily. Relax and do not move around. Sit back up and lie down again, if you wish to alter your ?position / Lie in a comfortable position, so that your skin rests in contact with the points / 10-15 minutes at the beginning of using the Spike Mat / 20-40 minutes after 1-2 weeks of using the Spike Mat / It is not dangerous to spend more time, or to fall asleep on the mat / Relax and breathe deeply. You may feel some temporary discomfort, which will decrease and eventually go away when endorphins and oxytocin are released. The feeling of discomfort will shift to a warm sensation with light pressure / Drink water after using the Spike Mat. The Spike Mat can be used on back, neck, stomach, feet, thighs, and jaws - use a cloth on the mat, as facial skin is a lot more sensitive.

Product Description

Acupressure Mats (aka acumats/ spike mats) have been used since thousands of years ago for relaxation exercises, meditation and yoga, as well as for healing the body and releasing emotional, physical and mental blockages. For a price lower than one massage or one acupuncture session, you can have your own StyleWellness acumat. Made from ORGANIC cotton, this acumat has shown to improve people's well-being on a daily basis.

The regular usage of the StyleWellness acumat may bring you many positive effects: : gain of energy, better sleep, alertness, lower blood pressure, decreased muscular tension, reduced pain, stress relief, state of deep relaxation, increased metabolism, improved blood circulation, strengthened immune system and increased uptake of oxygen.

Pressure from the spikes on the acumat activates the body's own production of 2 substances: endorphins - "natural painkiller" hormone and oxytocin - "feel-good" hormone. Endorphins relieve the pain and give a sense of physical well-being, while oxytocin helps to relax and wind down.

StyleWellness acupressure mat Specifications:
Size: 29 1/2 x 17 1/3 x 3/4 inches (75 x 44 x 2cm)
Weight: 1.2 pounds (0.55kg)
Spikes: 7,668 (number of round circles: 284; number of spikes on one circle: 27).

StyleWellness acumat is made out of:
- A cotton mattress sheet (produced out of ORGANIC cotton)
- A foam rubber mattress
- Plastic spikes attached to the mattress sheet.

1 comment:

  1. It is a very informative and useful post thanks it is good material to read this post increases my knowledge. Acupressure Spike Matt
