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Monday, September 19, 2011

Jesus Medallion

Product Description

Excerpt from the book "The Real Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ":
"The Jesus yantra was in the palm leaf book almost 1900 years back. It's amazingly powerful. Like the Gayatri yantra and mantra that Vishvamitra created, 101 equally powerful saints created this yantra. Jesus Christ's soul witnessed that.
Jesus' soul yantra is a symbol to win all the divine channels and I can say it is one hundred times more powerful than the Sri Chakra Yantra. Put it that way. It's really powerful. Nowhere on the globe can you find this yantra, except in the palm leaves we have. Once you really understand it, you can win Asta Siddhis, know Mother Divine, win Jesus, win Dattatreya. Everything is there in one yantra. This is the complete Creation - life and death. .... I also recommend for every person to wear a coin with a JC Yantra on your neck. There's no chance the illusion can touch you."
The medallions are blessed by Sri Kaleshwar.
Send in a small jewelry box.

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