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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck


"The beauty of the words along with the profound visual images make every card truly inspirational."
(Laurie Young, author of Earthwalk )

"Beautifully incorporates color, images, and shapes, giving the reader a compelling and accessible tool that opens higher levels of consciousness."
(CHP, Bodhi Tree Bookstore, Winter 2002/Spring 2003 )

"This is the kind of deck to use when you're looking for the bigger picture, or seeking to transmute or transcend a situation."
(Yerevan Yacoubian, SageWoman, Autumn 2002 )

"The Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck introduces an entirely new way for you to gain access to this wisdom and unlock its power."
(The Messenger, September 2002 )

"Hart has created an intriguing device for divination and insight that combines geometric shapes with nature themes and images from various spiritual traditions."
(Skye Alexander, New Age Retailer, September 2002 )

"It's more than just a handsome tarot set: Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck is the first divination tool based on geometry and introduces a new way of gaining access to wisdom through card interpretation. Highly recommended, especially for advanced tarot users who want to explore the powers of other decks."
(The Midwest Book Review, June 2002 )

"It includes a 64-card deck that incorporates a splendid use of the full color spectrum; gentle, natural forms; and compelling images. The accompanying 128-page book includes a detailed interpretation of each card, illustrations, sample spreads and an excellent introduction to the science of geometry."
(Arizona networking News, April/May 2002 )

"The cards themselves are beautiful. Some are truly outstanding. Hart has done a terrific job bringing shapes - or sacred geometry - to life (to spirit!). For readings, these cards are deeply intuitive and effective. With these cards we go within, and then in turn - blossom outwardly."
(N. Levine, Tarot Insights )

Product Description

The first divination tool based on the ancient science and sacred language of geometry.

• A 64-card deck with original artwork by nationally recognized visual artist Francene Hart.

• Allows readers to balance their energy fields and access higher levels of consciousness.

• Comprehensive guide includes spreads, card explanations, and reflective insights from a wide variety of sacred traditions.

Sacred geometry is the key that unlocks all of the world's art, science, and architecture. Called the language of light, its images and shapes are embedded in DNA, mandalas, pyramids, crystals, atoms, and hieroglyphs. Anyone who has ever gazed at a spider's web, meditated on a mandala or yantra, visited a pyramid, walked a labyrinth, or peered through a microscope has felt the effects of sacred geometry. Now the Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck introduces an entirely new way for you to gain access to this wisdom and unlock its power. 
With splendid use of the full color spectrum and gentle natural forms, artist Francene Hart has created potent, compelling images accessible to both advanced and novice students of divination. The accompanying text includes a detailed interpretation of each card, sample spreads, and an excellent introduction to the science of sacred geometry. Working with these images balances human energy fields, allowing readers to access higher levels of consciousness, gain insight into life's challenges, and restore their connection to the world.

Buy Now

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