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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Awaken The Slumbering Goddess: The Latent Code Of The Hindu Goddess Archetypes

Product Description

Life rarely works out as we planned it. Often it works out worse and sometimes better than we planned. It is my hypothesis, based on extensive clinical experience as a psychiatrist and a psychoanalyst - that when we live life out of the outer fringes of our psyche, it works out worse than we hoped for. When we live life out of the deeper center of our psyche – our Soul, it plays out much better than we anticipated. Life lived out of our Ego - the center of our outer, conscious personality is lived on the outer fringes of our potential. Life lived in tune with the Soul, the center of our deepest personality and the pacemaker of our destiny, blossoms to its fullest potential. The soul conveys its message via the latent code of archetypes or timeless wisdom templates that have crystallized in human consciousness over several million years of experience as a species. This latent code lives in myths and stories of each culture. In this book, I have presented one such group of stories or wisdom templates. This is the latent code of Shakti – the life force that energies and guides us on our life course. These are the stories of mysterious goddesses of Hindu culture, collectively called Shakti or Spiritual energy that can help us live out of our soul. Welcome to the realm of Shakti-the inner goddess in every man and every woman. Whenever we are dealing with personal crisis, life transition, a new beginning, a traumatic event, a medical or psychological problem, a relationship tangle, a major life decision, some spiritual or psychological crossroad, this latent code is activated by our soul to guide us. This helps us to make an informed decision consistent with our life purpose and spiritual calling. For each specific life problem, there is a corresponding aspect of the latent code that spurs us onto our path. To prepare for a new endeavor, the latent code of the goddess of arts and academics Saraswati steps in, To attain peace and prosperity, code of Laxmi guides our path. When we walk the line between self assertion and mutuality, code of Parvati guides our path. When we are struggling to tame the dark and dysfunctional aspects of our personality, the code of Kali helps us trim our shadow. Life transitions often call for a period of void and inner emptiness before new life structures could be created. The code of the great grandmother Aditi presides over inner void and new creations. When we are trying to integrate the opposites in our nature, the latent code of the archetype of the sacred marriage – the dance of the masculine Shiva and the eternal feminine Shakti provide a useful template.

About the Author

Ashok Bedi, M.D. 1220 Dewey Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI 53213 Phone (414) 454-6610 Email: ashokbedi@sbcglobal.net Web: www.pathtothesoul.com Dr Bedi is a Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst and a board certified psychiatrist. He is a member of the Royal College of psychiatrists of Great Britain, a diplomat in Psychological Medicine at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of England, a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He is a Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. He is the President Elect, a Training Analyst and a faculty member at the Carl G. Jung Institute of Chicago. He is Psychiatrist at the Aurora Psychiatric Hospital and the Aurora Health Care Network. He has been a psychiatric consultant to several agencies in Metro Milwaukee. Presently he is the consultant for the Sexual Assault treatment center at the Aurora Sinai Samaritan Hospital, consultant to the Dewey Center for treatment of Addictions at the Aurora Psychiatric Hospital and at the Pastoral Counseling Services of Greater Milwaukee. Trained in India, Great Britain and the US, he is interested in the emerging frontiers of Spirituality and Healing and the synapses of the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit. He is author of the book, Path to the Soul, Weiser Books, 2000, Awaken the Slumbering Goddess: The Latent Code of the Hindu Goddess Archetypes, Booksurge Publishers, 2007 and the coauthor of Retire Your Family Karma, Nicholas-Hays, Inc. 2003, These and his other upcoming presentations can be previewed at his website www.pathtothesoul.com Ashok Bedi has been in practice in Milwaukee for over thirty years and specializes in Adult Psychotherapy and Jungian Psychoanalysis. He regularly presents lectures and seminars in India, Great Britain, Ireland and USA on the topic of the Spiritual and analytic dimensions of treatment, healing and personal growth. Over the last several years, he has been the International Association of Analytical Psychologists liaison person for developing Jungian training programs in India and travels annually to India to teach, train the consult with the Jungian Developing groups at several centers in India including Ahmedabad, Mumbai & Bangalore. He leads the annual “In the Footsteps of Carl Jung in India” study group to several centers in India under the auspices of the New York Jung Foundation.

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