۞ भगवान् को छोड कर और कहीं दिल लगाया तो अंत में पछताना पडेगा ! ۞

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Balancing the Chakras

Product Description

The chakras are a series of seven energy fields or centers of consciousness in the body which harbor latent divine energy known as Kundalini energy. The balance or imbalance of these vortices affects a person's health, as well as his or her emotional and spiritual well-being and evolution. The first section begins with a lesson on Kundalini energy and describes the chakras through colors, sounds, foods, and the elements. The second section presents holistic methods used for balancing: herbs, homeopathy, aromatherapy, astrology, polarity, bodywork, color therapy, sound therapy, proper diet and nutrition, yoga, affirmations, flower essences, and pranayama. The third section identifies symptoms of imbalance and techniques for self-healing.

About the Author

Maruti Seidman is on the faculty of Spectrum Center Schools of Massage in Lake Stevens, Washington and has been teaching Polarity Therapy in North and Central America for twenty years. He co-founded Twin Lakes College of Healing Arts in Santa Cruz, California. He is the author of A Guide to Polarity Therapy.

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