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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Powerful Mental Development

Product Description

Powerful Mental Development is the study of how to gain the most from your time, your life, and mind. How to have an alert, poised mind, a happy mind, a relaxed and balanced mind, how to have more fun with your mind, and how to be more successful at work, in school, and in all places, in all phases of being.

After spending many years studying the mind with some of the most powerful and enlightened people in this world, the author has come to the conclusion that studying the development of different states of mind is the key to help unlock your full potential as a human being.

Mental evolution is the main concern in Powerful Mental Development. Mental evolution means to understand and experience the different patterns of your life. The mental pattern that you are experiencing right now, combined with your past patterns, creates new patterns that will ultimately affect your furture. As you learn to practice PMD, you will discover that you too can see beyond the normal level of awareness that most people experience. You will see that we are made up of intelligence and light. PMD simply means becoming more conscious of the intelligence that you already possess.

Mental evolution is the process of becoming more aware and using this new awareness to make conscious choices. It is the art of understanding the patterns of life, and seeing what life has created on this planet, and learning why this planet goes through the cycles that it does.

With the practice of PMD, you will learn to still your mind completely, to stop your thoughts from bothering you, and to become more conscious. The curtain of darkness will part and you will find a new life, one you have never experienced before.

About the Author

Karma Changchub Dorje (Roger Cantu) is a Master of meditation and self-discovery. He is the president of The Meditation Club - an organization dedicated to teaching meditation all over the world. He has studied with a number of the great spiritual teachers including: Tenzin Gyatso - His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama; Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba; Rama - Dr Frederick Lenz; Jose Silva - Founder of Silva Mind Control; Marianne Williamson, Lama Ole Nydahl and others. Mr. Cantu is a Senior Computer Consultant to different corporations in Texas. He is the former Associate Director of the California Self-Help Center at the UCLA Psychology Department. He has a technical degree in Computer Systems and Programming from the Computer Learning Center, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Chapman University, Orange, CA, and a second Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Texas at Arlington.
Roger Cantu has traveled through India studying Buddhism and Hinduism from different points of view. He has been practicing meditation for over 15 years. He teaches monthly seminars in Houston, Texas and seasonal seminars in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Dallas, and Monterrey, Mexico. He is also the author of the book Journey to India.

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