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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Yoga Zone Yoga for Life: An Intermediate Guide to Health, Fitness, and Relaxation

From Publishers Weekly

According to yoga master Finger, the trend-chasing public isn’t "getting" what yoga truly is. Typical yoga classes that encompass poses (asanas) and breathwork (pranayama) are merely steps along the way to the real goal, he argues, which is living a life of "deepened awareness" in which people realize their "potential to connect to the higher universal intelligence." Yoga students looking for a book of increasingly challenging asanas should therefore look elsewhere; while this volume includes two separate series of restorative poses, it focuses much more on the meditative nature of yoga. The photos of poses are even interspersed with frequent quotations from the classic yoga philosophy book, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Finger, who has been practicing yoga for more than 20 years, stresses that "asanas are not exercises that need to be perfected. They are tools" for finding the areas in one’s body that hold the most tension. Not only will one’s body be less stressed from practicing yoga, Finger says, but one’s relationships will also subsequently improve, as one becomes more in touch with oneself, as "you fine-tune your awareness of your emotional connection to others." Finger bogs down the book a bit with his inclusion of slightly muddy explanations of the body’s chakras and koshas (the "five elements of the self"). But overall, yoga enthusiasts who want to take their practice one step further will do well to start with this book.
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Product Description

Yoga practice only begins on the mat. As people continue to turn to this ancient wellness tradition to stay strong, reduce stress, and find inner peace, the greatest challenge is to carry the valuable principles of yoga into everyday life. Picking up where his bestselling Yoga Zone Introduction to Yoga left off, yoga master Alan Finger expands on this wisdom in Yoga Zone Yoga for Life.

Intermediate practice does not simply involve more difficult poses, it includes a deepening of understanding and self-knowledge. It also means using the tenets of yoga to alleviate daily tension and stress: employing a concentrated breathing exercise to calm nervous jitters before a presentation, for instance, or drawing awareness to muscular pain and natural breathing and posture tendencies during a trip to the grocery store.

With asana sequences (poses) and breathing and meditation exercises from the highly personalized ISHTA school of yoga taught in Yoga Zone’s classes and Alan Finger’s studios, Yoga Zone Yoga for Life explores the core principles of yoga using accessible language. Explanations of the concepts of karma and dharma and the chakras, and their value in discovering the truest self, make this enlightening manual the perfect next step for anyone looking to delve deeper into their yoga practice.

The Reducing Stress chapter gives comprehensive advice for using yoga to alleviate and prevent stress at home and in the workplace, while Finding Balance features targeted breathing exercises and suggestions for achieving inner tranquillity. Finally, Restoring the Body provides invaluable support for healing and strengthening after illness or injury.

For anyone looking for clear guidance to help enhance their insight, Yoga Zone Yoga for Life is the only book necessary to continue the pursuit of a healthy, stress-free lifestyle.

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