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Sunday, September 18, 2011

19,000 Years of World History


Readers who enjoy Joseph Campbell's the Powers of Myth Series as well as
books like Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond will be fascinated by 19,000 Years
of World History
--Foreword Clarion Reviews

A far-reaching study of..world religions and their beginnings,linguistics,biology,genetics,anthropology,archeology and geology..as if writer were giving a lecture to 6 billion people about their origins..massive amounts of knowledge and research here --Foreword Clarion Reviews

Product Description

There is a lot of mystery in the history of man - while mainstream historians say that civilization developed only in the last five to six thousand years, which is what is taught in schools, there is humungous amount of evidence that man's story is much older than this date. There are any number of accounts about lost history of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mayans, Indians, and others. These accounts, however, stop there. They only provide small chunks of lost history; they do not provide the holistic historic picture. This book constitutes the first ever attempt to provide an alternate timeline for various civilizations across the world for the last nineteen thousand years, pushing back the timeline of man by three times.

In a first of its kind attempt, this book constructs human history from scriptures of Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and other religions and cultures. Conclusions drawn are connected to archaeological findings, linguistics, worldwide conflagrations, beliefs, cultural practices, festival celebrations, local legends, etc. In a complete rewrite of current history books, the book meticulously constructs a detailed history of civilized man, 19000 years in the making. The book, written in an easy to read prose for any educated person, not just shows the precise way in which these religions were born, but also answers most of their unresolved theological questions.

Based on evidence compiled after two decades of painstaking research, Prithviraj gives a completely new dimension and a fascinating understanding of World History. The book dates Egyptian and Indian civilizations to 17,000 years ago, dates Sri Lankan civilization to 16,000 years ago, and Persian and Mesopotamian civilizations to 15,000 years ago. It talks about the catastrophic disturbances on earth's surface 11,500 years ago, which led to the birth of new religions. It talks about ancient wars that took place between India, Persia, and Mesopotamia. It talks about ancient world politics between Egypt and Sri Lanka. It talks about the massive migrations that took place all over the world 4000 years ago. The book takes the reader on a fascinating journey into the unexplored domains of Ancient World History.

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