۞ भगवान् को छोड कर और कहीं दिल लगाया तो अंत में पछताना पडेगा ! ۞

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Great Alchemist & Quantum Manifestation Power: St. Germain's Secret Alchemical Remedy for Victory & Fulfillment

I have no doubt that Srimat Leia Gance PhD, after completeing her thorough upasana with Sri Saraswati was personally instructed by Le Compte de Saint Germain nor that He bestowed her personally with the powerful programmings and mantras included in this work in order that they be shared with those who can appreciate the current Aeon's willingness to provide fast lanes and Advanced Placement! There is Divine Election available in this book, election based not on the flaccid and flatulent "hauteure" of duped fundamentalists or dogmatists but of the ecstatic Child with memories of the serene amplitude of the "Dawn Experience" of Pure Consciousness c.f. the discourse of frolicsomeness in Dr. Gance's work.

Allow me to provide a gift to those of you who have stumbled across this review. It is a quote taken the the social media of a young child concerning St. Germaine. I have not edited it in any way. It is a direct quote:

"who here knows that this man is really still alive? no one? did not think so. he is a good man. e loves fire. he even taught someone i know. the master of fire people. the true master of fire is right here. just pay more attention and you would know"

You are most and entirely welcome!

Mathew 18:3 (International Standard version 2008)

Then he said, "I tell you with certainty, unless you change and become like little children, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven.

English would appear not to be the author's first language. All the better!
and although clearly organized textually the syllabus retains a curious labrynth like complexity.

This book comes profoundly recommended.

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