۞ भगवान् को छोड कर और कहीं दिल लगाया तो अंत में पछताना पडेगा ! ۞

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Kali: The Black Goddess of Dakshineswar

This is an inspiring book for all lovers of our Great Mother, and gives us understanding of one of her most Archetypal, and complex forms. The author, Elizabeth Harding, has a true insight (rare in a western mind) into the profound nature of Ma Kali, and a real understanding of her worship, as practised in India today. She marvelously expounds the intricacies of the outward rituals, and illuminates the inner philosophy of this loving Goddess, our mother, from whom all things proceed, and to whom all things eventually return. Her essay on the great saint Sri Ramakrishna is most inspiring. Her descriptions of the Temple make it spring to life in the mind of the reader. As you read her vivid rendering of the great Holy days of the Goddess, you are transported there, and can almost hear the chants, and smell the incense. Her understanding of the mysteries of this Goddess is most profound. I heartily recommend this book to anyone interested in Goddess worship. It is also great source material from a religious, theological, anthropological or sociological standpoint. It is greatly empowering! After you read this, you'll want to go on pilgramige to the Temple.

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